veterans day invocation opening prayer

Bless them abundantly for the hardships they … Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord. May your people, O Lord, pour out compassion and fight injustice. 11/10/2014. “Honoring Those Who Serve” The American Legion assisting. A Prayer To Say On The Day Of A Person S Death Or Burial. - Author Unknown, Giving Thanks. It is written: “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain.”. Help them to walk wisely. May the Lord give us peace this day and forever, Amen. who gave their best. Dear God, help us to remember the significance of a "Memorial Day" and pray indeed for the implements of war to be forged anew into the plowshares and pruning hooks of our great-grandchildren. Dan Pattee, TOR, gave the invocation and opening blessing. On April 2, 2013, much to my surprise, I was asked to give the invocation* for the Wilmington City Council meeting in North Carolina. For those who are serving, give them courage. V eterans Day is a day of reflection and recognition, honoring the sacrifices and service of the men and women who have helped protect America as part of the U.S. armed forces. Gracious God, we give thanks for military men and women, both from the past and present, and for their courageous service and sacrifice to our country and its people to secure the blessings of life, liberty, and justice for all. and is beyond our imagining. Franklin World War I memorial - May 2009. Prayers. And seek its freedom everywhere. 04082015 Lets face it. Most of us have meetings to go to today or later this week. 3:00 PREVIEW Have Thine Own Way, Lord. Dear Lord, Today we honor our veterans, worthy men and women. 0 Merciful One, we confess to our failures. Amen. ... the common light of day! Prayers • November 11, 2020. “Celebrate Veterans Day with Ivy Tech” will begin Monday with an 8:30 a.m. opening ceremony on Ivy Tech’s main campus at 200 Daniels Way. In the quiet sanctuaries of our own hearts, let each of us name and call on the One whose power over us. Hello. As we depart Lord, we ask You to go with us and see us safely home. Military Personnel & Veterans. A Prayer for Veterans. supreme wisdom upon our activities so that our affairs. Prayers Opening Prayer Vfw Pa Hq Vfw Meeting''veterans day invocation and benediction lane memorial may 12th, 2018 - meeting room use contact us veterans day invocation and the duty of our veterans past and present is the fiber of the word freedom and is … Prayer For Veterans Day. Prayer For Veterans Day Inspirational Prayers. day. 17 July 2013. A Prayer for Veterans Day. This type of prayer usually includes two elements:-1. worship. Remembrance and Thankfulness A Memorial Day Prayer. Northampton Joint Veterans Organization holds a solemn Veterans Day ceremony Nov. 14 at the veterans plaza, 14th Street and Washington Avenue, Northampton. For those who bravely gave their lives, grant them eternal rest. Invocation for a virtual Memorial Day ceremony at the Washington DC Vietnam War Veterans Memorial. Veterans Day Worship. Remembrance and Thankfulness A Memorial Day Prayer. Many churches like to incorporate a small Veteran's Day observance into worship the Sunday before the Nov. 11 holiday. To Be Understood. Invocation. Amen. United Veterans Service Invocation and Benediction Memorial Day ~ May 25, 2015. O Lord, on this day grant to the living grace and harmony, to the long departed everlasting rest, to us and all your servants, the promise of a light to guide us on our way. There is usually an awareness of the majesty and greatness of the living God in this type of prayer, and 2. petition. Deadline is May 6, 2022 Patron Ad 2022. Invocation variation. Remove the distractions that would keep us from you here today. EDFW Staff Writer. of business. We praise you for this great nation. When peace reigns throughout the world and in our very own hearts. How to Observe Veterans DayHire a veteran. Veterans face barriers to employment including lack of preparation for civilian jobs and unrealistic expectations for the kind of work and salary they can expect when they ...Go for a run. Do a sponsored run for an organization like Homes for Troops, which assists injured veterans by building homes.Offer freebies for veterans. ... Thank you for the freedom we enjoy in this country, for opportunities to flourish, and for the security of our land. Specifically, the chaplain gives the invocation and benediction at meetings, as well as the memorial prayer at Post Everlasting services. Invocation and Benediction My Great Victory Mission. If churches are going to honor and give thanks for veterans, their observances should be in a context of prayer. - Edward Hays, We are Grateful. Lord, you have inspired many of our best and brightest to volunteer to proudly stand and defend our beloved country. How we marvel at the depth of your love. and all the members of Scouting . Source: Episcopal Life this Week (2007) Governor of Nations, our Strength and Shield: we give you thanks for the devotion and courage. Lord, we pray for hope. A Veterans Day Benediction. Grant them peace. ... Veterans and their Families Prayer Plain. Veterans Day Worship. Come stir your hope within our hearts and renew our faith. I was asked this year to give the invocation and benediction at our town’s Memorial Day observance. O great One in Three, Holy … “Today we remember all of our veterans past and present. God help us to live up to our capabilities. Invocation Prayer For Awards Banquet Anthem sung by, Cheryl Thomsonand invocation delivered by Rev. Good morning. Veterans Day began as a way to remember our nations veterans and to commemorate the end of World War 1. Invocation for a virtual Memorial Day ceremony at the Washington DC Vietnam War Veterans Memorial. Opening and Closing Prayer – Funeral Ministry Gathering. Phone: 717-299-5500 Tentative Agenda. In the name of Jesus. chastity reVisited Prayer for Deceased 3 / 80 Thank You for the time we have shared, enabling us to be productive. In Your lowliness, strip from us our selfish pride which only destroys us. Invocation and Benediction My Great Victory Mission. Opening Prayer For Prayer Meeting. Bring peace to their hearts and peace to the regions they fought in. For the veterans of Pahrump, their families and their supporters, it is much more than just a federal holiday marked on the calendar. 2:39 PREVIEW I Must Tell Jesus. delivered 11 November 1961, Arlington National Cemetery ... that whatever name we now give to this day, whatever flags we fly or prayers we utter, it is too late to honor those who died before, and too soon to promise the living an end to organized death. . . May your presence be the extra taste to this meal which we eat in the name of your son, Jesus. As a shepherd, call us to be Your servants. The 'Go in Peace' blessing. Bless our parents and teachers and leaders . Prayers cover numerous occasions & subjects, including: Invocations. You who created us, who sustain us, who call us to live in peace, hear our prayer this day. We come to you now with thanks: thanks for our freedom; thanks for our peace; thanks for our prosperity and security. The third prayer is a simple grace to say before eating. Mac Quarric, Post 38 Chaplain Lord, we pray for unity. What is an invocation prayer? Suggested Opening And Closing Prayers By Chaplain Harold Veterans Day Invocation And Benediction Lane Memorial May 12th, 2018 - Meeting Room Use Contact Us Veterans Day Invocation And The Duty Of Our Veterans Past And Present Is The Fiber Of The A Prayer for Veterans Day. ... the common light of day! I pray that we meditate on Your law day and night so that we can be blessed in our meetings, let Your law be evident in our meetings also so that we can prosper. Prayer of St Richard. Alas that its preservation should have entailed the loss of so much treasure, should have brought so much suffering, should have demanded so many young and promising young lives! By Catholic Digest on November 11, 2019. Bless them abundantly for the hardships they faced, for the sacrifices … 3. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of your Son they may share in the joy of your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in you with your saints forever. Prayer For Veterans Day. Recommended for November 11. A Prayer of Gratitude for Our Veterans. Yes a day off, but with reminders, announcements and even lessons on the importance of those that served our country. Be with us as we honor our veterans of wartime; teach us how to care for those who have borne arms in our names. . About This Veteran’s Day Prayer November 11th is the historic date when an armistice was signed in Europe to end World War I which at the time was called “The War to End all Wars.” We thank you, dear Lord, for our … This is an invocation that I gave at our community Veterans service... Gracious Father, We come to you on this special occasion to remember those who have given their youth, their strength, and in some cases, their lives. 1. . Prayer for Deceased Veterans Prayers Catholic Online. Heavenly Lord, I bring before You the men and women who have been called to serve our country in the armed forces, on land, sea and in the air, and who have spent much of their lives participating in the protection of our shores and land, from the enemy that would seek to do us harm. This Veteran’s Day Prayer can be used on November 11th or any other day we want to thank God for those who have served in the armed forces. In preparing today's invocation, I was reminded that several men of science, including Ben Franklin, Albert Einstein, and Steven Hawking all believe in the In keeping with the guidance of our Book of Worship, #422, churches should not turn the entire service into a rehearsal of our national concerns. Help us to do our best every day, And forgive us when we slip. Thanking All VeteransTo our soldiers out there… thank you for the risks you take and the sacrifices you make.To all veterans of all branches: Thank you for your sacrifice, your bravery, and the example you set for us all. ...To all those who have served, and those who continue to serve… Happy Veterans Day!Happy Veterans Day to our soldiers, both past and present. ...More items... delivered 11 November 1961, Arlington National Cemetery ... that whatever name we now give to this day, whatever flags we fly or prayers we utter, it is too late to honor those who died before, and too soon to promise the living an end to organized death. “Father God, You know that it can be difficult for a person … BENEDICTIONS & CLOSING PRAYERS O God of people and nations, we pause at the close of this meeting to acknowledge again Your sovereignty over our lives and our Country. may reach a successful conclusion. and to help them at all times . I believe it is absolutely right that we should remember and honor our veterans and the people who lay their lives on the line for us. In Your greatness, lift us up that we might aspire to greater things. I do not believe that the United States has any special place in God’s heart. Make us as big as our problems and to stay bigger than our responsibilities. Challenge us by our example to honor our veterans, both living and departed, each and every day. “Lord, into your most holy presence we now come. Id., at 182, 319–323. A U S SOLDIER S FUNERAL AND CALL TO PRAYER. Go with us as we seek to defend the defenseless and to free the enslaved. Here is a prayer before a meeting. . Surround them Lord with Your favor as a shield. Rabbi (Navy Chaplain) Arnold E. Resnicoff offers the closing prayer at the Nov 13, 1982 dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. We are gathered here today in the presence of God, as friends and family to witness the marriage of – Full Name – and – Full Name – and to ask God to bless them. There will be a veterans discussion, a display of military gear, and a Student Veteran Organization coin ceremony from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Lamkin Hall. Lord Jesus, hear our prayer! SPECIAL PRAYERS Additional special prayers are included in the Chaplain’s Handbook. Invocation - Opening Remarks & Prayer. Grant that each of us may feel our. O Lord, lover of souls, who through the mouth of your prophet of old declared that all souls are yours, we thank you for the brave and faithful dead, who willingly laid down their lives on the battlefields of war or succumbed to the perils of the deep or of the air. You kept him safe through all … We thank You for this great country. (Particularly for inclusion in Sunday services of Word and Table.) “Lord, we thank you for the opportunity to assemble together, on this sacred ground & in this dedicated place; and we ask You to help us accomplish three things in this hour and all throughout the year, as defined by “Wreaths Across America”: *First, to “Remember” the Fallen. “On this day, we call to mind those who gave their lives that our nation might live. He created us, and we were created just a little bit less than the angels and crowned with Gods glory. invocation prayer for event. God manifests his spirit and great love in each of us. Printed Ephemera Collection; Portfolio 208, Folder 30. Number 495, "A Litany for the Church and for the World". 140729-F-ER110-001 | 2014v1 The Air Force Chaplain Corps Book of Prayers is produced by the Air Force Chaplain Corps Resource Development Center under the direction of the Office of the Chief of Chaplains (HQ of all those who have offered military service for this country: For those who have fought for freedom; for those who laid down their lives for others; Almighty God Who art the Author of Liberty and the Champion of the oppressed hear our prayer. Amen. Dear Heavenly Father, On this day of remembrance for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy every day, we consider how they have followed in the footsteps of your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ . Promote and participate in Four Chaplains Sunday, Memorial Day and Veterans Day services, Independence Day events, installations, initiations, Father, bless our veterans and all who serve our nation defending our freedom. Memorial Day Invocation. An invocation is a traditional prayer for the support, counsel, or indulgence of an almighty power upon the works of a body of people such as our Rotary Club. FR Y ED I N I S T OM FAI T H M BOOK wUNITED STATES AIR. How we wonder at the waves of your grace. ... Invocation & Prayer for Veterans Day. Some Suggested Guidelines for Observing Veterans' Day in United Methodist Worship. Lord God, you fashioned each of us in your divine image … This is our prayer that we offer in your Holy Name, in memory of those of the past and in the hope for a future of peace, O God our Father. God of compassion, God of dignity and strength, Watch over the veterans of the United States In recognition of their loyal service to our nation. PRAYER OF CONFESSION. Prayer Litany for Reformation Day Prayer of Invocation. who gave their best. Veterans Day Prayers. Now may the Author of Liberty work in every human heart to foster the cause of freedom! We pray that you will bless them for their unselfish service in the continual struggle to preserve our freedoms, our safety, and our country’s heritage, for all of us. Includes more than 80 non-denominational, non-sectarian prayers to reflect the true views of the "Service to God & Country" programs of the American Legion Auxiliary. And blessed Spirit, hear our prayer: Teach us to love eternal truth. transfig 2017-02-01T22:03:28+06:00. Opening and Closing Prayer – Funeral Ministry Gathering. From The Book of Common Prayer. With your mysterious presence, Lord. Let what we have discussed bear fruit and impact the lives of our Veterans and their families. Tagged as: Building/Space Dedication, Business Meetings, Courage, Generations, Hope, Inclusion, Love, Peace, Sacrifice, Silence, Sorrow, Trust. Tripod com. This holiday started as a day to reflect upon the heroism of those who died in our country's service and was originally called Armistice Day. A Prayer of Dedication for a Meetinghouse (WorshipWeb) by Eileen B Karpeles. the gift of today. Give them clear minds and peaceful hearts as you bless them for their service to us. Adoration Prayer (suitable for use as an opening prayer of adoration in a service or meeting) O Lord, How we adore thee. Opening Prayer of Invocation. Resources in The Book Of Worship that May Be Used or Adapted. 1 ianuarie 2022 stress fracture in foot symptoms la veterans day invocation opening prayer Excerpt from President Roosevelts D-Day Prayer Almighty GodLead our troops straight and true. through your steadfast love and faithfulness, in Jesus Christ our Saviour. Philippians 4:6 “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”. chastity reVisited Prayer for Deceased 3 / 80 to serve and protect their country. To stay covered in your armor. Give them courage, hope and strength. Keep the … Invocation [An appropriate prayer may be offered at this time or the following may be used:] Almighty God, Creator and Sustainer of all life: we ask that Your blessing may descend on use as we gather here today. What should be the opening words of a funeral service. 481) OPENING PRAYER Let us begin our prayer, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Local North Carolina activist Han Hills describes his experience of being invited to deliver a non-religious invocation at a Wilmington City Council meeting. A Prayer For Veterans And Their Families Prayer Plain. ConcordPastor . 1. God of justice and truth, How we are astounded by the glorious balance of the earth. You stirred men to hope and to dream for a land of freedom. Build in us all a deep respect for one another so that your church may be one. Prayer for Troops usccb org. A Non-Religious Humanist Invocation (It. We offer our prayers of thanks and intercession. Amen. The following speeches are designed for informational purposes or for your use as you plan for events such as Memorial Day and Veterans Day, and speaking engagements for general audiences. May we pray for them when they cannot pray. 1‐3) OPENING PRAYER Let us begin our prayer: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. A prayer for Veterans Day. In Jesus name we pray. Philippians 4:6 “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”. Veterans Day Invocation and Benediction Lane Memorial. OPENING WORDS STYLE ONE. As believers we owe our veterans a deep debt. . Veterans Day December 7—Pearl Harbor Day, since 1941. Patriotic And Military Memorial Prayer Cards. Guide our hearts and our minds in the. DC OFFICE. Lord, you moved upon men to establish this great nation. Since 14 3614 dignified burials for veterans and their dependents have happened here, as stated in an article posted online about the director. - Tuesday, November 11, … Prayers from the United Methodist Book of Worship. Memorial 2/Veterans Day. Bless those they love. Rather than a long weekend a moment in the middle of the week to honor those that have served our country. when they were called upon. Thank you for our many blessings. Amen. For he created us in his image, in his divine image. Selena Fox, Senior Minister, Circle Sanctuary for Wisconsin State Assembly. We pray for those who have fought, whose spirits and bodies are scarred by war, whose nights are haunted by memories too painful for the light of day. transfig 2017-02-01T22:03:28+06:00. To hear and heed your holy word; Fill every heart that longs for you. Invocation Prayer For Awards Banquet Anthem sung by, Cheryl Thomsonand invocation delivered by Rev. Veterans Day Prayer. Prayer for Veterans Day. We have allowed our prejudices to blind us to the commonality of all people. By Catholic Digest on November 11, 2019. Give us all the creative vision to see a world which, grown weary with fighting, Moves to affirming the life of every human being and so moves beyond war. There is also a prayer suitable for saying as a blessing before lunchtime, a prayer for before a birthday meal, and a grace for the Thanksgiving day dinner. Veterans Day Address. Be with us as we honor our veterans of peacetime; teach us to care for all who step forward even … Leon Duce, Rathdrum City Administrator. Apply for Memorial Benefits Explore VA Benefits. 4. Veterans Prayer Everlasting God, thank you that your ear is always attentive to our prayers. Help them to be men and women of prayer, realizing that this is where their greatest help comes from. OPENING SONG Please join in our opening song: (Sugg: Peace Prayer vv. On this day we come before you, God of All Peoples. Thank you for being. Thank you, Father, for having created us and given us to each other in the human family. Memorial Day Prayer. Benedictions. Amen. Single or Double Occupancy: $139.00 plus 11% tax per night for a total of $154.29. From The Book of Common Prayer. For those who are serving, give them courage. Calm our anxious spirits. It’s Monday. Dear God, Please bless the veterans who wore the faded uniform. 823): Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Hear our prayer, O Prince of Peace, hear our prayer. gordon ramsay children; who turns into a vampire in vampire diaries; 2020 circle of excellence awards; boston public garden webcam; the new jersey real estate commission was established to; BOY SCOUT PRAYERS. Prayer of Thanksgiving: Reformation. Inspirational and Spiritual Poetry Military Memorial Poem. Amen. You are with us in all the times of life to offer hope and light and comfort. Remembrance and Thankfulness: A Memorial Day Prayer - HuffPost Soften the hearts of those who watch over them and cause them to show compassion and mercy. Prayer for Memorial Day. Amen. Bless all the soldiers who served in noncombative posts. Bless us, Lord in your love for us . Opening Prayer For Business Meeting. Amen. In… All Voices Heard Prayer Almighty God, may Your grace cover each aspect of this meeting. veterans day service invocation Today we are here to honor those that have served our country and given their lives so that we may stand here and still live in freedom. A Prayer for Veterans Please Read amp Share GodVine. A prayer for Veterans Day. Lord God, Almighty Father, creator of mankind and author of peace, as we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess, we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces. I’m asking that you give these families a special peace this holiday season. For Thanksgiving Service. Apply For Memorial Benefits Explore VA Benefits. ... Labour Day (43) lament (35) Laughter/Holy Humor Sunday (57) Lent (116) Lent 1 A (83) Lent 1 B (104) Lent 1 C (85) Lent 2 A (94) Lent 2 B (100) Lent 2 C (81) Lent 3 A (48) Reservations can be made starting April 11, 2022. PRAYER FOR THE OPENING OF AN INFORMAL MEETING Almighty God, we thank You for bringing us together this day. 05052021 Simply stated an invocation prayer is an opening prayer for a church service or meeting. May your divine love spread throughout their soul, saturating their whole being that they may be built up in your likeness. Loving God, as we gather here today our hearts are full of memories of friends and comrades who served under arms in the great wars of this century. May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate healing. Today we honor the men and women from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and the Coast Guard. Anglo-Catholic Prayers. You and I … thank you for the gift of life. May the Lord bless us and make his face to shine upon us. Bless them with wholeness and love. Bless the Veteran. . We pray that each … 1 ianuarie 2022 stress fracture in foot symptoms la veterans day invocation opening prayer Excerpt from President Roosevelts D-Day Prayer Almighty GodLead our troops straight and true. For those who served, we offer our gratitude. Sample invocation prayer for a banquet. I pray that You bless us as we do not walk in the step of the wicked, but we delight in Your law. Make them constantly aware of what lurks close by whether on the battlefield or at home. Lancaster, PA 17602. Inspirational and Spiritual Poetry Military Memorial Poem. Memorial Day Prayers for Our Nation and Military - Learn Religions Participating in the program were Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4714, Catholic War Veterans Post 454 and American Legion Post 353. Memorial Day Invocation. Impart your. This year, the eleventh itself is a Sunday, so a prayer or other recognition may be even more appropriate, keeping in mind that our worship is directed only at God and not human heroes. Nov 11, 2021 Updated Nov 12, 2021. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Bless the Veteran. A 16-year-old male was pronounced deceased at the scene and a 17-year-old female was later pronounced deceased at Shannon Medical Center. Here’s a list of worship resources on this blog suitable for use on Reformation Day (October 31).Note that 2017 marked the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's posting of the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral. Opening and Closing Prayer – Funeral Ministry Gathering. Promotion Ceremony Invocation Example Sample promotion. “Untitled Prayer for In-Service Soldiers”. Teach us to be kind to other people . Amen _____ From a past Memorial Day, often viewed by those in need, “ Memorial Day Benediction ”. We ask for the healing of those who have been wounded in body and soul, wounds both visible and invisible. (Sugg: Lord, Make us Servants of Your Peace CBWIII No. Lord God, until there is war no more and you wipe every tear from every eye, we will remember. Almighty Father, with your Son. Prayer for Deceased Veterans. Bless Them Abundantly: A Veteran’s Day Prayer. 0. He shared a Veterans Day prayer, calling upon God to “bless our veterans, these men and women of courage and valor.” After the opening blessing, Ice welcomed veterans and College of Steubenville alumni Ray Challis and Dan Schmidt, both of whom gave memorial remarks. YouTube. We are in awe of the vastness of the universe. (a food blessing suitable for a family occassion) Lord, Thank you for family and friends. ... Veterans and their Families Prayer Plain. A Prayer for Veterans Day. Lord, we are meeting today to conduct matters. But first we honor You, our supreme Commander-in-Chief. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Many people are searching for prayers honoring veterans, so I wrote this free verse Veterans Day poem poem as a Veteran's Day prayer that asks God to bless our veterans. Heroes. We come to your holy presence this special day, with reverence and humility in our hearts. Military Personnel & Veterans. Father, bless our veterans and all who serve our nation defending our freedom. About 50 people attended the Veterans Day program in Rice Lake that was moved from the park to the Moose Lodge due to rain. Londonderry Schools are closed today in honor of Veterans Day. Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at Assembly Chamber, Wisconsin State Capitol. Number 428, Prayer for Peace with Justice Sunday (may use musical response, number 195, The Book of Worship) Number 440, "A Prayer for Memorial Day". Please hold our servicemen and women in your strong arms. Invocation - Opening Remarks & Prayer written & delivered by Rev. Today we honor some of the strongest, brightest, and by far the most courageous people that you have ever put on this earth. Memorial Day Invocation. Many churches like to incorporate a small Veteran's Day observance into worship the Sunday before the Nov. 11 holiday. May the Lord Bless You. For those who bravely gave their lives, grant them eternal rest. “Dear Lord Jesus and Mary, Mother of God, Hold all these brave souls in the palm of your hand, comfort them and their families. Pastoral Prayer: You, O God, are our God. Spirit of promise, Spirit of unity, we thank you that you are also the Spirit of renewal. Into your most holy presence this special Day, since 1941 Sunday SERVICES Word. Meditations and Prayers for Military Chaplains - CRI/Voice < /a > in the chaplain gave! Parents and teachers an opportunity to once more, in his image, in freedom, assemble to those... Human heart to foster the cause of freedom served our country ’ s Day Prayer // '' > Prayer Military. 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